Articles - PAAIA


PAAIA Urges Congress to Pass Nowruz Legislation

Washington, DC –Today, Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) introduced a congressional resolution (H.Res.238) in honor of the Iranian New Year – Nowruz. PAAIA urged the introduction of the Nowruz resolution in this Congress and in previous Congresses to foster greater

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Meet Nikki, PAAIA’s Latest CHIP Fellow

PAAIA congratulates our newest Akbar Ghahary Capitol Hill Internship Program (CHIP) Fellow, Nikki Adeli. Originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Nikki Adeli is a fourth year student at American University studying international relations with a concentration in

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PAAIA Response to Pompeo’s Speech in Cairo

For Immediate Release:Contact: Morad GhorbanPhone: (202) 828-8370Email: Today, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered a speech at the American University in Cairo, in which he rebuked the previous administration’s strategy in the Middle East

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