Articles - PAAIA


PAAIA Statement on Four-Year Detention of Siamak Namazi

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Shannon Kuehn Email: Phone: (202) 828-8370 Washington, DC – Today, the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) released the following statement in response to the four-year anniversary of Iranian American Siamak Namazi’s detention

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PAAIA Attends First Ever Travel Ban Hearing

On Tuesday, PAAIA attended the very first congressional hearing on the Travel Ban.  The hearing highlighted the various ways in which the ban harms U.S. citizens and discriminates against individuals based solely on their place

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Zahra Karinshak Endorsed by PAAIA for Congress

PAAIA Proud to Endorse Zahra Karinshak for Congress

Washington, DC — The Iranian American Political Action Committee (IAPAC), the connected PAC of the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans, proudly announces its support for Georgia State Senator Zahra Karinshak for U.S. Congress. Zahra Karinshak announced her candidacy last Thursday for

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PAAIA Announces 2020 Census Partnership

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Shannon Kuehn Email: Phone: (202) 828-8370 Washington, DC — Today, the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) announced its partnership with the U.S. Census Bureau for the 2020 census in an effort

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Leaders Shaking Hands

PAAIA Introduces Diplomacy First Campaign

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Shannon Kuehn Phone: (202) 828-8370 Email: Washington, DC – The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) recently launched its Diplomacy First campaign to advocate against a costly and unnecessary

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