Articles - PAAIA


Iranian American Women Make History

Washington, DC – PAAIA congratulates Anna Eskamani, Anna Kaplan, Zahra Karinshak, and Sam Hamadani for making history in the 2018 midterm elections.  Of the five Iranian American candidates endorsed by IAPAC, PAAIA’s connected political action

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Second Round of Iran Sanctions Looming

Washington, DC – On November 5th, the second and final snap back of Iran nuclear-related sanctions will take effect, reinstating U.S. sanctions that were lifted under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known

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PAAIA Releases Congressional Scorecard for 115th Congress

For Immediate Release: Contact: Morad Ghorban Email: Phone: (202) 828-8370 PAAIA’s Congressional Scorecards rate votes, sponsorships, and statements by members of Congress that affect the Iranian American community. Published biennially, the primary purpose of the

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Meet Alex Soltany, PAAIA’s Fall CHIP Fellow

PAAIA congratulates our newest Akbar Ghahary Capitol Hill Internship Program (CHIP) Fellow, Alex Soltany. Alex Soltany, a native of McLean, Virginia, recently graduated cum laude from Davidson College in May 2018 as a John Montgomery

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