Articles - PAAIA


PAAIA Releases Sanctions Report

  PAAIA News   Striving to be the credible voice of the Iranian American community.            We are PAAIA. PAAIA Releases 2012 Iran Sanctions Report August 27, 2012, Washington D.C. –  Today, PAAIA released its 2012 Iran

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PAAIA Releases 2012 Iran Sanctions Report

August 27, 2012, Washington D.C. – Today, PAAIA released its 2012 Iran Sanctions Report, detailing past and current sanctions on Iran, the impact of those sanctions on Iran, and how they affect the Iranian American

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Have You Registered to Vote Yet?

      We strive to be the credible voice of the Iranian American community.                              We are PAAIA.    There are 70 days left to the U.S. Presidential Elections Have you registered to vote yet?

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Notable Iranian Americans in the News

Iranian Americans are among the most accomplished immigrants in the United States and around the world. Over the past couple of weeks a number of Iranian Americans have come to the attention of the public

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PAAIA’s Letter to OFAC Urges Speedy Action

  PAAIA News Release   We strive to portray an image of Iranian Americans worthy of their contributions to America.                                   We are PAAIA. August 13, 2012, Washington D.C. – Today, the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian

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