Articles - PAAIA


19 Days to Election Day

October 18, 2012, Washington, D.C. – The result of this year’s U.S. presidential election will go to the heart of how the United States defines itself as a nation and will have special significance for

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Early Voting Has Begun

September 25, 2012, Washington, D.C.– The countdown towards November 6th commenced on Friday as early voting began in two states. Before Election Day, thirty two states and the District of Columbia will have provided “no

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Congressional Round-up

Round-Up Congress is considering a number of legislative initiatives that may be of interest to the Iranian American community.  The PAAIA Public Policy Center is pleased to provide a bi-weekly round-up on the status of

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BAIAD to Host Iranian Americans for Obama Event

September 7, 2012, San Francisco, CA – The Bay Area Iranian-American Democrats (BAIAD) will be hosting a public event in support of President Obama’s re-election efforts on Sunday, September 16th in Sunnyvale, California. Featured speakers

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