PAAIA Advocates for and Supports the Iranian People's Aspirations for Democracy, Human Rights, Freedom, and Self-Determination
The Temporary Family Visitation Act (TFVA) creates a new nonimmigrant visa category that allows family members of U.S. citizens and permanent residents to temporarily visit their relatives in the United States.
The Temporary Family Visitation Act (TFVA) creates a new nonimmigrant visa category that allows family members of U.S. citizens and permanent residents to temporarily visit their relatives in the United States.
Sen. Murphy and Rep. Chu Introduce Legislation Blocking President Trump’s Travel Ban 3.0
Washington, DC – On the anniversary of the first Travel Ban’s signing, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Representative Judy Chu (D-CA/27th) introduced legislation in the Senate and House of Representatives to reverse the Travel
Two Years Overdue: Time to End the Travel Ban for Good
To recognize the anniversary of its initial signing, PAAIA released an op-ed calling for an end to the Travel Ban, the discriminatory policy that bans individuals from seven countries from visiting the United States. Read
Meet Nikki, PAAIA’s Latest CHIP Fellow
PAAIA congratulates our newest Akbar Ghahary Capitol Hill Internship Program (CHIP) Fellow, Nikki Adeli. Originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Nikki Adeli is a fourth year student at American University studying international relations with a concentration in
PAAIA Response to Pompeo’s Speech in Cairo
For Immediate Release:Contact: Morad GhorbanPhone: (202) 828-8370Email: Today, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered a speech at the American University in Cairo, in which he rebuked the previous administration’s strategy in the Middle East
Lawmakers Urge the Trump Administration to Enable Humanitarian Trade for the Iranian People
Washington, DC- Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives sent a letter today urging Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to ensure that U.S. sanctions do not block the flow of critical humanitarian goods to the
PAAIA Joins Coalition Requesting Congressional Hearings on Travel Ban
For Immediate ReleaseContact: Morad 828-8370 Washington, DC- Today, PAAIA joined a coalition of 116 civil rights, interfaith, and advocacy organizations to send a letter to incoming chairs of the House Judiciary and Oversight & Government
PAAIA Supports House Bill To Prevent Unconstitutional War with Iran
Washington, DC – Today, legislation was introduced in the House of Representatives that aims to prohibit the use of any funding for an attack against Iran that is not authorized by Congress. The bill is
Alex Soltany, PAAIA’s Fall CHIP Fellow, Reflects on his Internship on Capitol Hill
Washington, DC – This past fall term, I was lucky to serve as a Health Policy Intern with the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP). This experience not only afforded
PAAIA Interviews Iranian American Filmmaker and Screenwriter Sara Zandieh
Washington, DC – Sara Zandieh, an Iranian American filmmaker and screenwriter based in LA, recently spoke with PAAIA about her latest feature film Simple Wedding, the challenges of filmmaking, her inspiration for her work, and the
PAAIA Provides Grants to Iranian Students
Since late 2017, the value of the Iranian Rial has dropped over 75%. This has severely impacted Iranian students studying in the United States, forcing many to drop out and return to Iran without a
Donate to PAAIA’s IA-100 to continue our hard work in reuniting families
PAAIA is working towards passing the TFVA which will create a new visa category that will allow the family members of U.S. citizens and permanent residents to visit from abroad. Currently, family members must apply to visit their relatives in the U.S. through B-2 visas which results in an unnecessarily high denial rate due to presumptions that the applicants intend to immigrate. The new visa category created by the TFVA will provide an opportunity for family members to visit their U.S. relatives without the worry of visa overstays.