Articles - PAAIA


Update on Sanctions Regulations

By PAAIA Government Affairs Office  Aug.26, 2010, Washington, D.C. – Following our report last Thursday that new OFAC regulations require licensing for the importation of commercial products from Iran that were previously exempted from sanctions,

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Avid’s Story

Managing the PAAIA Mentorship Program in its inaugural year has been an extraordinary ride for me. Sparks have been flying— right, left, and center! Here is one example; stay tuned for more! Leila Bidad, Asst.

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August 26, 2010

  Help Us Launch PAAIA 2.0 On Sept 1! Visit our new website on Wednesday and check out the exciting programs we’ve lined up for you. Browse around and if you like what you see,

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August 19, 2010

    Breaking News: New OFAC Regulations Ban All Imports From Iran By PAAIA Government Affairs Office Aug. 19, 2010, Washington, D.C. — The Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) has issued new sanctions regulations

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