Articles - PAAIA


September 02, 2010

Why Don’t NIAC and PAAIA Cooperate? Dear Friends, I’d like to share with you a recent email exchange about PAAIA’s relationship with NIAC that was initiated by one of our members, Afsaneh Mirfendereski.  It followed

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PAAIA Partners with the U.S. Census Bureau

April 9, 2009, Washington, D.C. – The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) has joined the U.S. Census Bureau’s Partnership Program in order to increase awareness amongst the Iranian American community about the importance

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2010 Census is not over yet!

Source: U.S. Census Bureau Representative The count will continue until July 2010 when it will end.   Those who have not responded, still have a chance to fill out a form and mail it back.  Forms

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Why Don’t NIAC and PAAIA Cooperate?

Why Don’t NIAC and PAAIA Cooperate? Dear Friends, I’d like to share with you a recent email exchange about PAAIA’s relationship with NIAC that was initiated by one of our members, Afsaneh Mirfendereski.  It followed

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