
Unsolicited Email: The Image of Iranian Americans in the U.S.

 From PAAIA’s Inbox

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: saeid nourizadeh  
Date: Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 1:04 PM
Subject: PAAIA Passing The Torch
To: Distribution List

Salaam Doostaan,
In the past few decades, Iran has garnered a negative image in American society.  Today, more than ever, Iranian American youth and adolescents need positive role models to feel proud of their heritage and to achieve their best.  By showcasing some of the most accomplished Iranian Americans from the fields of science, health, business, culture and media  PAAIA “Passing The Torch Program” strives to present a positive role model for today’s Iranian American youth.  Come to the program.  Bring your families. This is one more way to demonstrate to our children, our future, that being an “Iranian-American” is not an dilemma, rather it is fertile ground in which to grow their dreams.
Best Regards,


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