Articles - PAAIA


May 19, 2011

Newsletter10 Amir Omar Re-Elected to Richardson City Council  BY PAAIA STAFF May 16, 2011, Dallas, TX – Council Member Amir Omar claimed victory in last Saturday’s election to serve a second term on the City

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May 12, 2011

Newsletter9 Sharmin Bock Makes Historic Bid for San Francisco District Attorney BY PAAIA STAFF May 12, 2011, San Francisco, CA – Sharmin Bock has worked in the law enforcement community for more than two decades.

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May 5, 2011

Newsletter8 Iranian Americans Seriously Concerned About Journalist Dorothy Parvaz Detained in Syria BY PAAIA STAFF May 4, 2011, Washington, D.C. – PAAIA and the Iranian American community at large are seriously concerned about the fate

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