Articles - PAAIA


Congressional Round Up

Congress is considering a number of legislative initiatives that may be of interest to the Iranian American community.  The PAAIA Public Policy Center is pleased to provide a round-up on the status of the legislation.

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Iran Sanctions Bill Gains Momentum

January 10, 2013, Washington, D.C. – This week 25 additional Senators have become cosponsors of the Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2013 (S.1881), bringing the total number of cosponsors to 59.  Introduced by Senators

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Congressional Round Up

Congress is considering a number of legislative initiatives that may be of interest to the Iranian American community.  The PAAIA Public Policy Center is pleased to provide a round-up on the status of the legislation.

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Iran Sanctions Bill Introduced in the Senate

December 19, 2013, Washington, D.C. – Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) today introduced legislation which sets to expand on imposed sanctions and impose additional sanctions against Iran.  The bill, entitled the “Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act

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2013 Accomplishments

Serving as the credible voice of the Iranian American community. We are PAAIA. Dear Friend, We close 2013 on a hopeful note. The recent interim deal between the P5+1 and Iran over the latter’s nuclear program

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Rep. Hunter Makes Controversial Remarks about Iran

Serving as the credible voice of the Iranian American community.                                        We are PAAIA. Congressman Hunter Makes Controversial Remarks about Iran and Middle Eastern People December 5, 2013, Washington, D.C. – Appearing on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal

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Iranian Americans Contribute to Richness of American Life

PAAIA News   Serving as the credible voice of the Iranian American community.                                        We are PAAIA. Iranian Americans Contribute to Richness of American Life November 26, 2013, Washington, D.C. – The Public Affairs Alliance of

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