
Congressional Round Up

Congress is considering a number of legislative initiatives that may be of interest to the Iranian American community.  The PAAIA Public Policy Center is pleased to provide a round-up on the status of the legislation. In general, PAAIA focuses on bills and congressional actions concerning three areas: civil liberties, foreign policy towards Iran, and immigration.  PAAIA recognizes that it is important that Iranian Americans be informed about legislative initiatives in these areas and the positions that their members of Congress take concerning them.




Foreign Policy

H.RES.109: Condemnation of Persecution of Baha’is

On March 12, 2013, Michael Grimm (R-NY/11th) introduced H.RES.109. The legislation has gained a total of 96 co-sponsors, the most recent of whom is Representative Jim Cooper (D-WA/7th), and has been referred to the Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa.

H.RES.109 calls on Iran to release all prisoners being held solely on account of their religion.  It calls on the U.S. president and secretary of state, in cooperation with responsible nations, to condemn Iran’s continued human rights violations and demand that prisoners held for their religious beliefs be released.  H.RES.109 also urges the president and secretary to impose sanctions on Iranian government officials and other individuals directly responsible to serious human rights abuses, including abuses against Iran’s Baha’i community. 

H.RES.109 has been introduced in the Senate as S.RES.75.


Special Category

H.CON.RES.27: Supporting the formation of a bipartisan Presidential Commission to study the establishment of a National Museum of the American People

On March 19, 2013, Representative James P. Moran (D-VA/8th) introduced H.CON.RES.27.  The legislation has gained a total of 33 co-sponsors, the most recent of whom are Representatives Eliot Engel (D-NY/16th) and Com. Pedro Pierluisi (D-PR/AL), and has been referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources.

H.CON.RES.27 would create a presidential commission to study the establishment of a National Museum of the American People. The museum would tell the story of all the peoples who came to the United States and contributed to its success and prosperity.  The museum would also serve as a resource to assist state, local, and ethnic museums in presenting exhibits that celebrate the heritage of the people of the United States. 


Click here to view all of the current proposed legislation and policies that impact our community. 

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