
Statement by Secretary of State John Kerry on Nowruz

March 21, 2014, Washington, D.C. – Secretary of State John Kerry yesterday wished a happy, healthy, and prosperous Nowruz to the Iranian people and all those who celebrated around the world. 

“All who celebrate Nowruz remember that it is not just an ancient tradition dating back over 3,000 years, but a time of renewal and hope,” he said in a press statement. “This season we reflect on the shared humanity that binds us together.” Kerry also noted the contributions Iranian Americans have made to various fields in America, including science, medicine, engineering, business, and art.

His statement coincided with the issuance of General License G by the Treasury Department, which authorizes U.S. academic institutions to establish undergraduate and graduate academic exchange agreements with Iranian universities, including the provision of scholarships to participating Iranian students.  General License G also authorizes the export to Iran of certain additional educational services by U.S. academic institutions, including certain online courses or the administration of university entrance and other examinations for Iranian students.

“On this Nowruz, we reaffirm our belief that strengthening cultural and academic ties between our two countries benefits our two peoples,” said Kerry. “It’s not lost on any of us that the United States and Iran have endured harsh winters in our past, but gathering to welcome Spring and the New Year with friends and family is an opportunity to look forward to what can lie ahead with hard work and commitment.”

Click here to read the full statement.

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