Articles - PAAIA


Child Foundation Issues Press Release

Child Foundation Issues Press Release July 30, 2008 The Child Foundation has issued a press release. It reads as follows:   “Press Release for Child Foundation July 23, 2008 Child Foundation is a charity headquartered

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National Geographic Feature on Iranian Identity

National Geographic Feature on Iranian Identity July 18, 2008 Ancient Persian archaeological treasures denote the glorious past of Iran. The National Georgraphic juxtaposes these treasures in relation to modern day Iran and the identity of

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Camp Ayandeh Draws to a Close

Camp Ayandeh Draws to a Close July 09, 2008 Iranian Alliances Across Borders’ Camp Ayandeh has drawn to a close. With 70 campers and 31 counselors and staff, 2008 marks IAAB’s largest camp group yet. Read

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Camp Ayandeh Draws to a Close

Camp Ayandeh Draws to a Close July 09, 2008 Iranian Alliances Across Borders’ Camp Ayandeh has drawn to a close. With 70 campers and 31 counselors and staff, 2008 marks IAAB’s largest camp group yet. Read

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