
March 25, 2012 – PAAIA Celebrates Nowruz on Capitol Hill


PAAIA Celebrates Nowruz on Capitol Hill


haft seenMarch 21, 2012, Washington, D.C. –On March 20, 2012, the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA), in conjunction with Congressman Michael M. Honda (D-CA) and Congressman J. Randy Forbes (R-VA), hosted a Nowruz Reception for members of Congress and congressional staff on Capitol Hill. Congresswoman Donna Edwards (D-MD) and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) also attended the event along with over 100 congressional staffers. Numerous prominent Iranian Americans, including Mr. Faryar Shirzad, Global Head of the Office of Government Affairs (OGA) for Goldman Sachs and former Deputy National Security Advisor to President George W. Bush, Richardson, Texas City Council Member Amir Omar, and Author and Poet Roya Hakakian, also attended the event.

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PAAIA Shares Findings of the 2012 Survey of Iranian Americans with the Department of State


Survey results to be officially released next week department of state

March 22, 2012, Washington, D.C. – The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) held a briefing on Thursday at the Department of State to present the findings of its 2012 follow-up nationwide scientific survey of Iranian Americans on their views over military action against Iran. The prescreening of the survey findings were made to staff from the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, Office of Iranian Affairs, and the Policy and Planning Office for the Secretary of State.

An integral component of better understanding our community and having its voice heard is the availability of on-going accurate statistical data about the Iranian American community. In October of 2011, PAAIA commissioned Zogby Research Services to conduct its third national public opinion survey of Iranian Americans.

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President Address Iranian People with Nowruz Message


president official portrait hiresMarch 21, 2012, Washington, D.C. – As he has done on previous occasions, in his 2012 Nowruz message, President Barak Obama congratulated Iranian Americans as well as Iranians throughout the world. He noted that “Iranian Americans prosper and contribute greatly to our culture,” and also recognized the Iranian film, “A Separation”, for receiving the Academy Award for best foreign film. Yet the primary focus of the President’s message was the Islamic Republic of Iran’s continued effort to restrict information to the Iranian people. The President stated, “Because of the actions of the Iranian regime, an electronic curtain has fallen around Iran – a barrier that stops the free flow of information.”

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PAAIA New York Chapter Hosts Reception for Dr. Milad Pooran for Congress


milad militaryMarch 1, 2012, Washington, D.C. – On the evening of March 6th in New York City, a diverse crowd of Iranian Americans representing different generations, professions, and political views gathered in unified support for Dr. Milad Pooran, and his bid to become the first Iranian American in the United States Congress. IAPAC, the political action committee affiliated with PAAIA, hosted the fundraiser in support of Dr. Pooran and his campaign for the congressional seat representing the 6th District of Maryland.

Guests had the opportunity to meet Dr. Pooran and hear firsthand the details of his successful career beginning with his immigrant roots, his rise as a student of the public education system to becoming a medical doctor and his thirteen years of proud dedicated service to the United States as a member of the Air National Guard.

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