
Oct 20, 2011 – PAAIA Featured in Huffington Post Article on Iran Sanctions



PAAIA Featured in Huffington Post Article on Iran Sanctions

By PAAIA Staff

PAAIA FlameOctober, 19, 2011, Washington, D.C. – PAAIA’s Chairmen, Ali Mojdehi, and former Executive Director and Partner at BHFA Law Group, Babak Hoghooghi, were recently interviewed for a Huffington Post article titled “Who Iran Sanctions Are Really Affecting” concerning the impact that Iran sanctions have on the Iranian American community.  Interviews with Iranian American advocacy organizations and attorneys who practice in trade regulations and sanctions reveal unintended consequences that are affecting the lives of many Iranian Americans and other U.S. persons.  


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Images and Videos Needed for a PBS Documentary on Iranian Americans

By Two Cats Productions

PBS LogoOctober 19, 2011, New York, New York – Two Cats Productions, an Emmy award winning documentary film production company is producing a film for Public Television on the story of Iranian Americans. Some of those interviewed for the film include Firouz Naderi, Goli Ameri, Hamid Biglari, Firouzeh Dumas, Maz Jobrani and many others. The film is being produced in association with the flagship PBS station of Los Angeles KOCE, and is expected to air on Public Television in early 2012. The executive producer Andrew Goldberg has directed numerous PBS specials including, The Armenian Americans, Jerusalem: Center of the World, A Yiddish World Remembered, and Proud to Serve with Walter Cronkite, among many others. For this upcoming special currently titled, “The Iranian Americans” they are reaching out to see if you can help. To learn more about the producers, log on to their website at www.twocatstv.com.

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PAAIA Seeks Director of National Community Relations & Nex Gen Liaison


PAAIA FlameThe Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian-Americans (PAAIA) is seeking a qualified U.S. legal resident or citizen for the position of Director of National Community Relations and NexGen Liaison.

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Support the Next Generation of Iranian Americans


In an increasingly competitive world, the younger generation of Iranian Americans, more than ever, needs opportunities and programs to live the American dream and prosper in their educational and professional careers. PAAIA is committed to ensuring that our younger generation receives the advice, tools, and support that an integrated community can provide its members to be a successful and vibrant community. To that end, we are proud to introduce you to PAAIA NexGen.

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