
ACLU Sues School District over Iranian American Students’ Right to Free Speech

By PAAIA Staff

May 18, 2011, San Diego, CA – The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit Monday against the San Diego school district in a dispute over the removal of messages painted by  Iranian American students on benches showing support for freedom in Iran.

The ACLU claims that La Jolla High School illegally blotted out political messages painted by the school’s Persian Club on “senior benches” that have long served as an open forum on campus.  Specifically, the ACLU asserts that the San Diego District is in violation of State Education Code 48907. 

“Iranian Americans have the same rights under the U.S. Constitution as all other Americans. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, equal protection under the law – these are the core ideals of this country,” said Abdi Soltani, Executive Director of the ACLU of Northern California.  “As Iranian Americans we benefit from these rights – and have a responsibility to stand up for them as well.”

To read full article in the San Diego Union-Tribune, please click here.

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