
Accomplished: Iranian Americans Agree Nuclear Deal Serves America’s National Security

Washington DC – This week, Congress will return from its August recess to bring closure to a vigorous national debate by voting on President Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal.   

Joining the national debate in support of President Obama’s diplomatic efforts, are strong voices from the Iranian American community –   the large majority of whom favor the nuclear accord, which they view as the best chance for civic and  economic reform to gain root in Iran.

In July 2015, the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) launched a national communications campaign to lend support for President Obama’s diplomatic achievement.    

PAAIA’s latest communications effort includes the release of a third digital video:  A 60 second spot showing a group of Iranian American scientists, scholars, soldiers, business leaders and media personalities who support the nuclear agreement with Iran.  The advertisement explains how Iranian Americans are patriots who contribute to the social and economic fabric of America through their accomplishments, diversity and support for peace and diplomacy.

Please share this video message with your family, neighbors, and colleagues by email and through Facebook, Twitter, and your other social media accounts!

PAAIA is at the forefront of representing the interests and issues of Iranian Americans. Please join our mailing list to learn more about our efforts and our community’s support for this historic deal!

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