Articles - PAAIA


PAAIA Expresses its Deepest Sympathies

April 15, 2013, Washington, D.C. – PAAIA trustees, members, and staff are profoundly shocked and horrified by the explosions that resulted in multiple fatalities and injuries in Boston today. Such acts of indiscriminate violence and terror defy comprehension.

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Congressional Round Up

Congress is considering a number of legislative initiatives that may be of interest to the Iranian American community.  The PAAIA Public Policy Center is pleased to provide a round-up on the status of the legislation.

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PAAIA and IABA Co-Host Nowruz Dinner

On April 7th, 2013, the New York chapters of PAAIA and the Iranian American Bar Association co-hosted their third annual Nowruz banquet in the New York County Lawyers Association ballroom. The evening featured a cocktail

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Abtahi and Omar Campaigns Gain Momentum

  April 9, 2013, Washington, D.C. – With the May 11, 2013 elections fast approaching, the campaigns of Bobby Abtahi for the Dallas, Texas City Council and Amir Omar for mayor of Richardson, Texas continue

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