
U.S. Senator Gillibrand Endorses Darius Shahinfar for Albany Treasurer

August 7, 2013, Albany, NY – With the September 10th primary fast approaching, Darius Shahinfar’s campaign for City Treasurer of Albany continues to gain momentum with a recent endorsement from U.S. Senator Kristen Gillibrand (D-NY).

Shahinfar will be facing County Legislator Gary Domalewicz in the Democratic primary. Both men are seeking to succeed current treasurer Kathy Sheehan, who is running to become Albany’s mayor. Having secured all third party endorsements, and given that there are no Republicans running in the race, Shahinfar will likely be unchallenged in the general election if he wins the September 10th Democratic primary.

The City Treasurer is Albany’s Chief Fiscal Officer, responsible for the custody and disbursement of city funds, making investments on the city’s behalf and preparing the city’s financial statements, among other duties.

Besides Senator Gillibrand, Shahinfar’s campaign has picked up numerous significant endorsements from other public officials and community leaders, including front running mayoral candidate Sheehan herself, who is actively supporting Shahinfar as her successor.

A first generation American of Iranian descent, Shahinfar grew up in Utica, New York. He graduated from Bates College in 1988 and Albany Law School in 1997, where he served as Editor-in-Chief of the Albany Law Review.

Shahinfar has worked in the private, public, and non-profit sectors. His experiences include working as a Deputy County Attorney and as a Regional Representative for then Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand.

Click here to read more about Shahinfar’s campaign for Albany City Treasurer.

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