
The Iranians Count 2010 Census Coalition Seeks Specifics

Coalition working with U.S. Census Bureau to receive numbers on Iranian-American Community

May 16, 2011, Washington, D.C.  – The Iranians Count 2010 Census Coalition (“ICCC”)  is continuing its efforts to ensure that Iranian Americans are accurately represented in the United States Census (the “Census”). With the results from the 2010 Census officially tabulated, the ICCC is currently working with the Census staff to obtain specific tabulations for the Iranian-American community, including population and geography.  

The tabulation request process begins in fall of 2011.  The cost to obtain the data will vary based on the extent of the information requested.  The ICCC will work together to determine the next steps to fund and acquire the data that would be beneficial to the Iranian-American community.   The ICCC will continue to provide updates as they become available.
In the meantime, the ICCC encourages the Iranian-American community to participate in the annual American Community Survey (ACS), mailed randomly to households nationwide.  The ACS is an annual survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, which provides detailed information on communities on a yearly basis. This information is used by federal, state and local leaders to help decide everything from school lunch programs to new hospitals.
Why is an accurate count so important?
The number of Iranian Americans has historically been significantly under-represented, with the 2000 Census reporting only 338,000 Iranian Americans. Through an aggressive marketing campaign led by the ICCC, Iranian Americans across the country learned about the importance of participating in the Census and how to accurately complete Census forms.  These efforts were undertaken to ensure that the Iranian-American community is counted and that its growth translates into increased influence and recognition in the United States. Why is an accurate count so important?  It can increase:
  • Awareness: It could lead to the designation of Iranians as a minority (like Chinese, Hispanics, etc), which helps employment, university admission, and loan qualifications.
  • Funding: Iranians could receive funding for community specific work.
  • Political Influence: Elected officials target ethnic constituencies to solicit their feedback and votes.
  • Public Service: Some local, state and national organizations are required to provide services that address the needs of their community (i.e., Persian speaking nurses).
  • Civic Uses: Ethnic organizations depend wholly on ancestry data to identify, locate and mobilize their constituencies; civil rights agencies also require ancestry data to monitor discrimination based on national origin.
  • Research Uses: Social scientists, journalists and other researchers rely on census and ACS data to study ethnic population groups, demographic trends, and economic and educational mobility.

About the ICCC

The Iranians Count 2010 Census Coalition includes national and regional Iranian-American organizations.
Please visit www.IraniansCount.org/Partners.html for an up-to-date listing of the participating organizations.

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