
TAKE ACTION: Support Senate Amendment to Protect Dual Nationals from Discriminatory Visa Rules

April 12, 2016, Washington, D.C. – Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) has offered his legislation, the Equal in Protection Travel Act, as an amendment to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization bill (S. 2658). The amendment, co-sponsored by Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), would strip the discriminatory dual nationality provisions contained in the Visa Waiver Program reforms passed into law late last year.

Europeans of Iranian origin have already been denied visa-free travel to the United States.  Because the Visa Waiver Program is based on reciprocity, European and other participating countries may soon place reciprocal restrictions on American citizens.

This could jeopardize your right as an American citizen to travel visa-free solely based on your Iranian origin. Singling people out due to their national origin is un-American at its core, does not make America safer, and invites discrimination against American dual nationals. 

The FAA reauthorization bill is scheduled to be considered by the Senate this week.  Senator Flake’s amendment provides a rational solution to the dual national provisions contained in the reforms rushed through Congress in the aftermath of the dreadful terrorist attacks in Paris.  However, Senate leaders must allow for it to come up for a vote. 

Help Senator Flake end the discriminatory visa rules for dual nationals.  Take Action Today!  Urge your Senators to support the Flake amendment. 

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