
Support PAAIA’s 2011 Survey of Iranian Americans

Support PAAIA’s 2011 Survey of Iranian Americans

Did you know that 54% of Iranian Americans surveyed in 2009 identified themselves as registered Democrats, in contrast to 9% identifying themselves as Republicans and 28% as Independents? Are you surprised? Do you want to know how they will identify themselves today?

PAAIA’s 2011 Survey of Iranian Americans will gather accurate demographic information about the community!

National Scientific Statistical Surveys

In striving to become an accurate source of information about the Iranian American community, PAAIA, through Zogby International, has conducted two scientific public opinion surveys of Iranian Americans (2008 and 2009). These invaluable data were the first of their kind and have been presented to the United States Congress, the media, and the general public to wide acclaim. The surveys were featured in February 2010 State Department publication. More recently, the survey results were cited in an Amicus Brief filed by the Iranian American Bar Association (IABA) in the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and were brought to the attention of U.S. Government officials from the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) at a recent panel presentation in Washington, DC.

2011 Survey of Iranian Americans

Given the on-going interest and the continued need to provide accurate information about the Iranian American community, PAAIA would like to conduct a follow-up survey of Iranian Americans to be released in 2011. The Survey will also explore attitudes and views of Iranian Americans on the issues that are most important to them, the role Iranian American organizations could or should play with respect to these issues, U.S.-Iran relations, and President Obama’s handling of relations with Iran.

PAAIA’s surveys are conducted by Zogby International, a pre-eminent polling firm, based on successful telephone interviews in English with representative sample of respondents. Zogby International surveys employ sampling strategies in which selection probabilities are proportional to population size within area codes and exchanges. The margin of error for the results of the 2008 & 2009 surveys were +/- 5 percentage points, which is an acceptable margin of error for a survey of this type.


Support this important initiative by making a tax-deductible donation today!

Participate in the 2011 Survey of Iranian Americans

Contact us and let us know what questions you would like to be asked in the 2011 Survey of Iranian Americans.

Read the complete reports on the 2008 & 2009 Surveys on PAAIA’s website.


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