Support Legislation Opposing Travel Ban 3.0 – Tell Congress to Block the Ban!
Washington, D.C. – In response to President Trump’s newest set of travel restrictions on nationals from eight countries, including Iran, U.S. Senators Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) introduced legislation to reverse the order and block its implementation.
“Just like the first and second versions of the Muslim ban, this one is still illegal, discriminatory, and harmful to our nation’s security,” said Senator Murphy in a press statement. “This ban plays right into the hands of ISIS and terrorist organizations around the world. ISIS is already using it as recruitment fodder to convince those fleeing persecution that they have no place in our society, and Donald Trump’s own administration admitted that there’s no national security justification for it.”
The legislation would withhold funding to enforce the executive order and is similar to previous legislation Senator Murphy introduced to block the first version of President Trump’s travel ban.
PAAIA commends Senators Murphy and Feinstein for their efforts to uphold American civil liberties and national security by introducing this necessary legislation, and we strongly encourage other members of Congress to support their efforts. The legislation currently has 28 co-sponsors.
While Judges in Hawaii and Maryland have temporarily stopped the travel ban from being enforced, Congress must act to permanently revoke President Trump’s discriminatory Travel Ban 3.0.
Ask your members of Congress to support this legislation!
Iranian nationals make up the largest number of immigrants or non-immigrant visitors among the listed countries and already undergo extensive security screening. Unfairly targeting the Iranian people undermines the solidarity between the peoples of both countries and overlooks the countless contributions Iranian Americans have made to the security and economic prosperity of the United States.
Whether Congress decides to act is up to you. Take action now!