
Second Round of Iran Sanctions Looming

Washington, DC – On November 5th, the second and final snap back of Iran nuclear-related sanctions will take effect, reinstating U.S. sanctions that were lifted under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran Nuclear Deal.  This round of sanctions covers Iran’s oil sector and Central Bank. Countries that continue to import Iranian oil and companies that do business with sanctioned Iranian entities will face penalties, prosecution or denied entry from U.S. markets. In addition to pre-JCPOA sanctions, 700 more Iranian companies and people will be added to the sanctions list.

PAAIA supported the JCPOA as a means to monitor and roll back Iran’s nuclear aspirations. In the deal, the U.S. and other signatories provided Iran nuclear-related sanctions relief and access to global markets in return for Iran curtailing its capacity to enrich nuclear-grade uranium.  Despite the International Atomic Energy Agency’s reassurances of Iran’s compliance, President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the multilateral agreement on May 8th of this year.

Our 2018 National Public Opinion Survey of Iranian Americans reveals that 70% of the community disagrees with the decision to withdraw from the nuclear deal, and the majority believes that withdrawal is unlikely to gain any broader concessions from Iran but will increase support for Iranian hardliners’ anti-American sentiment.

The U.S. has reportedly agreed to grant temporary sanction waivers allowing eight countries, including Japan, India, and South Korea, to continue imports of Iranian oil. The waivers are being granted in exchange for an overall reduction in imports of Iranian oil and eventual cessation of imports. The waivers also aim to stabilize global oil prices as sanctions take effect. More information on these waivers will be released in the upcoming weeks.

PAAIA urges the Trump administration to continue negotiations and collaboration with our European allies on Iran-related policy issues. Most importantly, PAAIA urges the administration to stay committed to the human rights and political aspirations of the Iranian people by lifting the Travel Ban, enhancing sanctions relief on telecommunication tools, and ensuring that the exportation of food and medicine remains unaffected within Iran.


November 2, 2018

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