
Seattle Times Endorses Cyrus Habib for Washington State Senate

October 15, 2014, Seattle, WA – The Seattle Times, the largest daily newspaper in Washington State, has endorsed the candidacy of State Representative Cyrus Habib for Washington State Senate.   

“State Rep. Cyrus Habib, D-Kirkland, is the best candidate to fill the vacant Senate seat,” explained the Seattle Times Editorial Board. “Habib brings a thoughtful, bipartisan verve from his freshman term as a state representative. He’s shown independence in approaching education and tax reform, and offers a studious heft to policy discussions as the state faces an array of difficult financial challenges.”  

Habib is the official Democratic Party nominee for the 48th Senate District.  His campaign currently has endorsements from U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell, U.S. Senator Patty Murray, Governor Jay Inslee, Attorney General Bob Ferguson, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene, Congressman Adam Smith and the bi-partisan support of all the city mayors in his district.  

Even though Habib is a freshman legislator, he is seen as a rising star in Washington’s Democratic Party. He was the prime sponsor of the Washington State Jobs Act, which became law in March of 2014 and enables start-up companies in Washington State to engage in equity crowdfunding. In late 2013, he was selected by Governing magazine as one of twelve legislators nationwide to watch in 2014. The Washington Post has selected him as one of the top 40 political rising stars who are under 40 years old in the country. 

The highest ranking Iranian American in elected office, Habib is the first American of Iranian heritage to serve in a state legislature. Raised in Bellevue, Washington, Habib lost his eyesight to a rare form of childhood cancer at the age of eight. He attended Columbia University, Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar, and Yale Law School, where he was editor of the law review. He currently practices law with the Seattle firm of Perkins Coie.

Click here to read the Seattle Times Endorsement. 

Click here to learn more about Cyrus Habib’s campaign.  

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