
PAAIA Commissions Report to Strengthen Compliance on the Iran Nuclear Deal

12524084_778012625676032_9094562381297010879_nWASHINGTON – Marking the one-year anniversary of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) has commissioned Global Impact Strategies (giStrat) to  conduct a scientific report on the implementation of the nuclear agreement between the P5+1 coalition (U.S., U.K., France, Russia, China, and Germany) and Iran. The report, to be released in September 2016, aims to provide data-driven evidence and strategies to strengthen compliance on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and is part of PAAIA’s continued efforts to support the implementation of the Iran nuclear agreement.

The future of compliance on the Iran nuclear agreement continues to be debated among policymakers, Mideast analysts, and nuclear arms control experts. To date, Iran has fulfilled its compliance obligations, and in return, international sanctions related to the Iranian nuclear program have been removed along with the release of billions of dollars in frozen assets.

However, critics of the deal argue the Iranian government will be motivated to violate the terms of the JCPOA once sanctions are removed, cautioning that snapping them back might be difficult. Advocates of the deal believe this is the best path to preventing Iran from weaponizing its nuclear capabilities, and that pulling the United States out of the JCPOA does not mean other signatories will necessarily follow suit.

Applying its unique expertise in the fields of game theory and other behavioral sciences, giStrat will model scientifically optimal pathways to maximize compliance on the JCPOA, thereby providing an objective measure on the most productive path to strengthen Iran’s compliance.

giStrat was founded by Jerry White, former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for his leadership in the international campaign to ban land mines. It was created to provide solutions based in decision science, allowing leaders in private and public sectors to make faster, smarter, and more impactful strategic choices.

With this scientifically rigorous study, PAAIA continues its campaign to support the implementation of the Iran Nuclear agreement through improving the availability of accurate, scientific data. In July 2015, PAAIA launched a national communications campaign to lend support for President Obama’s diplomatic achievement. The purpose of the communications campaign was to ensure that the general public, our lawmakers, and opinion makers were better aware of the Iranian American community’s broad support for the nuclear accord reached between the international powers in the P5+1 and Iran.

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