President Trump's New EO and Possible Deportations (EO 14161)

President Trump’s New EO and Possible Deportations

Washington, DC – Dear Friends, We at PAAIA want to inform you that President Trump has signed an Executive Order to enhance national security and public safety measures. The Order’s provisions signal to many that the new Administration may restore the travel ban that targeted Iranians in the President’s first term.

No ban is currently in place. There is a 60-day review process to establish which countries to include in any such ban.

The Order also includes provisions for enhanced vetting and screening of non-citizens seeking to enter or remain in the country. The purpose is to ensure that the individuals who entered the U.S. in the last four years are who they claim to be and do not pose a security or public-safety threat. These terms have caused fear and uncertainty for some within the Iranian American community.  

While the Executive Order outlines enhanced measures for screening individuals from to-be-determined countries, please remember the following:  

1. The Vetting Process is Already Extensive: The legal process of entering the United States is among the most rigorous in the world. Iranians undergo an extensive vetting process that includes multiple background checks, interviews, and, in many cases, biometric screening. In fact, a primary reason for the Temporary Family Visitation Act is that Iranian Americans face a 50+ percent denial rate when trying to have immediate family members visit.   

2. Iranian Americans are Largely Law-Abiding: The overwhelming majority of Iranian Americans are law-abiding. This includes those who have arrived recently. They respect and contribute to the social fabric of the U.S. Many serve in vital roles —whether in government, healthcare, education, business, public service, or the military. Iranian Americans have proven repeatedly our commitment to the values that this country holds dear. That is why in our Legislative Priorities for 2025, we recommend the government deny Islamic Republic officials and their families entry to the U.S., not the Iranian people. 

3. Department of Justice and State Department officials recognize the bias and discrimination Iranian Americans face: The stated goal of the Order is to strengthen the process of identifying and preventing potential threats before they can cause harm. Our government recognizes that neither Iranian Americans nor the Iranian people are a threat. Discussions and collaborations across the federal government demonstrate the veracity of this understanding. 

We understand that changes like this can feel unsettling. You are not alone. Together, we will stand to ensure that our community remains strong. Eight years ago, PAAIA worked with our coalition partners, the Pars Equality Center and the Iranian American Bar Association (IABA), to advocate tirelessly against the Travel Ban. Our efforts included filing lawsuits, submitting an amicus brief to the Supreme Court, and working with lawmakers to uncover the discriminatory nature of the waiver provisions. 

As the potential for a renewed challenge arises, PAAIA remains committed to advocating for better policies, such as the Temporary Family Visitation Act. It addresses Department of Homeland Security concerns and visa overstays while allowing for legitimate travel to the United States. We will continue to work with our coalition partners to explore all possible legal strategies and ensure that the voices of the Iranian American community are heard. 

For more information, please visit PAAIA’s Travel Ban Center. We will be updating the center with relevant resources and information as they become available.    

Thank you for your continued strength, faith, and commitment to the Iranian American community. -Team PAAIA


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