
PAAIA to Air TV Ad in Support of Iran Nuclear Deal

Today, the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans announced that it will be releasing the first series of TV advertisements to be aired on Sunday, September 6th in support of President Obama’s diplomatic achievement with the nuclear agreement reached between the world powers and Iran.   

The advertisements are part of a national communications campaign to ensure that the general public, our lawmakers and opinion makers are better aware of the Iranian American community’s broad support for the Iran nuclear accord.

The TV advertisement portrays America’s top nuclear scientists and national security leaders, as well as former Israeli intelligence chiefs who all believe that the nuclear deal with Iran is the best chance for promoting peace in the Middle East by reducing Iran’s isolation and encouraging reform.

 Iranian Americans agree and are hopeful that – in the wake of an agreement – life in general will improve for the 80 million people of Iran.

The advertisement will be aired during this Sunday’s news programs including NBC’s Meet the Press,  ABC’s This Week,  CBS’s Face the Nation,  Fox News Sunday, and CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS.  The targeted states in which the advertisement will be shown include California, Texas, Oklahoma, as well as the  Washington, D.C.

Please share the  news and the video advertisement with your family, neighbors, and colleagues by email and through Facebook, Twitter, and your other social media accounts! Be sure to check your local listings to view the advertisement!

PAAIA is at the forefront of representing the interests and issues of Iranian Americans. Please join our mailing list to learn more about our efforts and our community’s support for this historic deal!

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