
PAAIA Members Host Campaign Events to Kickoff 2014 Election Activities

October 30, 2013, Washington, D.C. – With the 2014 midterm elections fast approaching, Iranian Americans are once again demonstrating their growing voice in the American electoral arena. From the east coast to the west coast, Iranian Americans are busy raising funds, organizing events and reaching out to promote congressional candidates and committees of their own choosing.  Recently, PAAIA members and friends hosted fundraising events for Congressman Ed Royce (R-CA/39th), Congressman Michael M. Honda (D-CA/17th), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ), and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY/12th). 

On August 26th, Fred Ameri hosted a reception at his home in support of Congressman Ed Royce.  Congressman Royce is serving his eleventh term in the U.S. House of Representatives.  He currently serves as  Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and is a member of the House Financial Services Committee.  During the event he spoke with OCTV’s Executive Producer Alex Bolourchi about the U.S. Cyrus Cylinder Tour and human rights. 

A couple of weeks later, on September 15th, Mr. Nader Mousavi and Dr. Amy Voedisch held a fundraising event at their home in Los Altos Hills, California in honor of Congressman Michael Honda.  The event was co-sponsored by the Iranian American Political Action Committee (IAPAC), the connected PAC of PAAIA.  A good friend of the Iranian American community, Congressman Honda is the sponsor of H.Res.267, a resolution in honor of the Iranian New Year.  Thanks to his leadership, the Nowruz resolution passed the House of Representatives on March 15, 2010, marking the first time the U.S. Congress  officially recognized the Iranian New Year.

On October 6th, Nazie Eftekhari and Firouz Naderi hosted an event supporting the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), with special guest Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi.  The DCCC is the official campaign arm of the Democrats in the House, and the only political committee in the country whose principal mission is to support Democratic House candidates every step of the way.

A couple of days later, on October 8th, PAAIA members and friends gathered at a reception in support of Senator Jeff Flake at the Capitol Grille in Washington D.C.  The event was organized and hosted by Mr. Francis Najafi.  Senator Flake is the junior senator from Arizona. Prior to his election to the U.S. Senate, he served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2001 to2013.  He currently serves on the Senate Energy & Natural Resources, Foreign Relations, and Judiciary Committees. 

On October 25, 2013, PAAIA members and friends gathered to support the reelection of Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney. This event was co-sponsored by IAPAC, and held at the home of Mr. Akbar Lari. Congresswoman Maloney is recognized as a national leader with extensive accomplishments on financial services, national security, the economy, and women’s issues.  She is a senior member of both the House Financial Services Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and the ranking house member of the Joint Economic Committee.

The events were illustrative of cooperation that exists between members of Congress and the Iranian American community.  Guests at each of the occasions took advantage of the forums to discuss their views on numerous topics ranging from US policy towards the Middle East, the importance of civic and political participation, and other matters.  

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