
PAAIA Creates Video Series on Iran Sanctions

Serving as the credible voice of the Iranian American community.          
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sanctions video series

November 6, 2013, Washington, D.C. – The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA), in conjunction with Erich Ferrari, of Ferrari & Associates, P.C., is pleased to offer an educational video series on the sanctions against Iran and what Iranian Americans need to know about how these sanctions may impact their lives. In the three-part video series, Ferrari answers frequently asked questions about the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and discusses cases that may fall under OFAC’s jurisdiction.

The videos are a part of PAAIA’s effort to ensure that the Iranian American community is well-informed on policy issues related to U.S.- Iran relations, such as the economic sanctions, and how to follow the related laws appropriately. The videos are informative in nature and should not be construed as legal advice.

For more information about sanctions, please see PAAIA’s reports on sanctions and other publications, which provide an overview and analysis of current sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran and their impact on the Iranian American community. An updated report for 2013 will be released soon, with an overview of the additional sanctions imposed in the past year as well as certain other legislation under consideration during the 113th Congress.

Click here to read more about PAAIA’s Public Policy Center and its dedication to educating the Iranian American community on the laws, regulations, and policies that affect their lives.

Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans
1001 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 745, Washington DC 20036



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