
PAAIA Applauds U.S. Senators for Upholding Iran Nuclear Agreement

September, 11, 2015, Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, the U.S. Senate voted to uphold the Obama administration’s historic nuclear agreement with Iran.  On a procedural vote, a resolution of disapproval on the Iran deal (H.J.Res.64), fell two votes short of 60 needed to consider the legislation, effectively ensuring that the nuclear accord will be implemented.  

“The Senate took an historic step forward and voted to enable the United States to work with our international partners to enable the implementation of the comprehensive, long-term deal that will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon,” President Obama explained in press statement.  “This vote is a victory for diplomacy, for American national security, and for the safety and security of the world.”  

Nuclear scientistsformer military commanders and national security advisors – serving both Republican and Democratic administrations – agree that the nuclear deal is the most effective and verifiable way for the international community to block the weaponization of Iran’s nuclear program and prevent a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.

Sharing this view, and joining the national debate in support of President Obama’s diplomatic efforts, are strong voices from the Iranian American community –   the large majority of whom favor the nuclear accord, which they view as the best chance for civic and  economic reform to gain root in Iran.

But the battle is not over yet! Opponents of the deal in both Chambers of Congress are set on taking further legislative action to dismantle the international agreement, and potentially taking it to court to stop its implementation. In a symbolic vote, the House of Representatives has gone on record opposing the nuclear deal.  

Click here to learn more about PAAIA’s a national communications campaign to lend support for President Obama’s diplomatic achievement. 

PAAIA and the Iranian-American community take today to remember the lives lost on September 11, 2001.  

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