PAAIA Applauds the Introduction of the Transnational Repression Reporting Act of 2024

PAAIA Applauds Introduction of Transnational Repression Reporting Act

Washington, DC — Today, the Iranian American community received critical news of the introduction of the Transnational Repression Reporting Act of 2024 by Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA). This landmark legislation aims to address the growing issue of transnational repression—a practice in which foreign governments, including the Islamic Republic of Iran, target U.S. citizens or individuals within the United States who are seen as threats to their regimes. As a nonprofit organization representing Iranian Americans, we are proud to support this bipartisan effort, which directly impacts the safety and civil liberties of our community. 

Why This Bill Matters to Iranian Americans 

Iranian Americans, along with many other diaspora communities, have increasingly become targets of harassment, intimidation, and surveillance by agents of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In recent years, there have been alarming reports of Iranian Americans being stalked, threatened, and even having family members in Iran detained as a means to coerce and silence critics abroad. These acts of transnational repression violate the fundamental freedoms guaranteed to all individuals in the United States, including the rights to free speech and privacy. 

Congressman Schiff’s Transnational Repression Reporting Act is a vital step forward in combating these abuses. The bill mandates that the Attorney General, in coordination with other federal agencies, submit a detailed report on cases of transnational repression. This transparency is essential for holding foreign governments accountable and ensuring that the United States remains a safe haven for all who seek to exercise their rights without fear of retribution from authoritarian regimes. 

Our Commitment to Protecting Iranian Americans 

We are grateful to Congressman Schiff and the bill’s cosponsors for recognizing the gravity of this issue and taking meaningful steps to address it. The Transnational Repression Reporting Act will not only bring transparency to these heinous acts but will also send a clear message to foreign governments that the United States will not tolerate violations of its citizens’ rights.   

As a nonprofit organization committed to representing the interests of the Iranian American community, PAAIA applauds the introduction of this legislation. We urge all members of Congress to support the Transnational Repression Reporting Act of 2024, standing in solidarity with those who face persecution from foreign regimes and upholding the values that define our nation. 

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