
PAAIA Announces New Strategic Direction

April 21, 2014


Contact: Saghi Modjtabai


(202) 828-8370


WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 21, 2014) – The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) today announced a change in its strategic direction that will allow the organization to focus on facilitating greater understanding between the peoples of the United States and Iran, while continuing to build an influential voice for the Iranian American community and facilitating the path of success for the next generation of Iranian Americans.

“As with any dynamic organization, our Board has taken note of changing events and has revisited PAAIA’s mission to ensure that our organization’s impact is optimized,” said Ali Mojdehi, Chairman of PAAIA’s Board of Directors.  “We are at a juncture where it behooves us to help enhance relations between the peoples of the United States and Iran because the more they are exposed to each other, the greater chance for mutual understanding and benefits.”

Founded in 2007, PAAIA aspires to celebrate the success of the Iranian American community, preserve and pass on the community’s heritage to future generations of Iranian Americans, build an influential voice, and give back to America.  PAAIA’s original mission focused on community building, image building, and influence building.  Realizing the importance of investing in and supporting the future generation of Iranian Americans, in 2009, PAAIA added a fourth dimension to its mission focused on facilitating the path of success for the younger generation of Iranian Americans, NexGen. In 2012, PAAIA also launched the PAAIA Public Policy Center, which formalized PAAIA’s public policy activities including issuing reports, holding panel presentations, and briefing congressional and administration staff.

Since its founding, PAAIA has executed on its mission steadfastly. Through its annual scientific surveys of Iranian Americans, PAAIA has earned its standing as a credible voice of the community in Washington, D.C. Through a variety of cultural and other programs, it has promoted an accurate and positive image of the Iranian American community and the rich and ancient heritage it represents. Furthermore, by implementing a variety of mentorship and networking programs, PAAIA has empowered and assisted the next generation of Iranian Americans on their path to academic, professional, and personal success.

PAAIA’s annual surveys have shown that U.S.-Iran relations are the single most important issue on the minds of Iranian Americans, and that many frequently travel to Iran and/or have family in Iran.  Furthermore, studies show that Iran is rather unique in the Middle East in that a vast majority of Iranians have a favorable view of America, while Americans do not have a good understanding of Iranians.

By carefully selecting issues that are both timely and able to make practical difference, PAAIA, through various forms of cultural and educational exchanges, can help increase understanding and dialogue between the peoples of Iran and the Unites States.  Through this strategic redirection, the focal point of PAAIA’s mission will converge on bridge building, influence building, and leadership building for the benefit of the next generation of Iranian Americans.

The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nonsectarian, national organization that seeks to promote the interests of the Iranian American community with US policymakers, the media, and the American public. We work to foster greater understanding between the people of Iran and the United States, expand opportunities for the active participation of Iranian Americans in the democratic process at all levels of government and in the public debate, and provide opportunities for advancement for our next generation. PAAIA seeks to achieve its mission by focusing on three major areas of activities: Bridge Building, Influence Building, and Leadership Building. Visit www.paaia.org for more information.

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