
More Than 300 Iranian Students Really Need Your Help!

Several weeks ago, PAAIA announced a partnership with the Institute of International Education (IIE) to provide emergency grants of $2,000 each to Iranian students in the US who are facing financial difficulties due to the recent currency devaluation in Iran. Since then, PAAIA has been collecting donations from generous Iranian Americans for these students. Every single dollar raised will be used by the IIE for Iranian students.
Yesterday marked the last day for universitites to submit applications to the IIE on behalf of Iranian students for assistance. The IIE has received over 300 heart-wrenching requests for help.  Below are examples of these requests (please note that names have been changed to protect anonymity):
“While Amir receives funding to cover his tuition expenses and basic cost of living, he recently began suffering from a medical condition requiring many medical visits and tests.  While he awaits the results, he has already incurred significant medical expenses.  Since his family back in Iran cannot support him, he has had to take out loans in Iran that are quite large due to the currency devaluation, creating a serious financial hardship for him.  Amir is worried that he will be forced to return to Iran this spring, without having a chance to finish his studies.”
“Farah is an undergraduate student with two semesters left.  She is in good academic standing, but after the sanctions got stricter, it became harder for her family to buy dollars and finance her education.  She is one of the most active, involved, and successful students in her community, and participates in events to share her culture. Farah is very serious about her academic success.  At this rate, she cannot pay for her next two semesters and will not be able to graduate.”
“Leila moved to the United States to pursue a degree in electrical engineering.  Planning to finance her education with personal savings, she is now facing the possibility of dropping out after the new financial crisis in Iran led to a 400% drop in the currency exchange rate. The much needed and much appreciated Iran-ESF fund could cover basic living and educational expenses such as accommodation, food, and textbooks.”
We have a very urgent request for you.
PAAIA and the IIE currently have enough funds on hand to help only 35 of these 300 students, meeting less than 12% of the need. The IIE’s Emergency Student Fund for Iran is the only organized program that exists to provide financial relief to Iranian students in the US so that they can continue their education.  Each grant of $2,000 is highly leveraged, as host universities also commit to supporting the students they nominate with tuition relief, meal plans, etc.
These students need our help. 

Every single dollar counts!

Make a contribution today to help Farah, Amir, and Leila, and others like them. Select “Fund for Iranian Students” from the drop-down Gift Designation Menu. All funds collected will be provided directly to the IIE to assist qualified Iranian students.

Click here to read more about the IIE’s Emergency Student Fund for Iranian students.

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