
May 13, 2012 – Meet Cyrus Habib – The Official Democractic Nominee for Washington State Representative


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Meet Cyrus Habib – The Official Democractic Nominee for Washington State Representative

Cyrus Habib

May 5, 2012, Seattle, WA – The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian American (PAAIA) and its connected PAC, the Iranian American Political Action Committee (IAPAC), recently had the opportunity to sit down with Cyrus Habib and discuss his campaign for the 48th Legislative District in the Washington State House of Representatives.   If successful, Habib would make history by becoming the first Iranian American elected to a State Legislature.   

Habib is a technology lawyer and community volunteer. He grew up in Bellevue, Washington and is a proud product of its public schools. Having lost his eyesight at age 8 to a rare form of childhood cancer, he learned early the importance of equal opportunity, hard work, and a quality education.

Click here to view full article.

PAAIA Launches Third Annual Mentorship Program 

                Mentorship Program                        May 7, 2012, Washington DC – PAAIA is pleased to announce that applications for the 2012-13 PAAIA Mentorship Program open today through June 4th, 2012. Since 2010, PAAIA has matched over 200 young Iranian Americans to industry leaders across the country.  As noted decades ago by the Harvard Business Review, Everyone who makes it has a mentor,and PAAIA is committed to ensuring that the next generation of Iranian American leaders has access to the resources and guidance of mentors.

A cornerstone of the program is the personal interaction between mentors and mentees, and they build a strong relationship over the course of their time together. PAAIA Board Member and incoming Dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Dr. Vali Nasr has mentored young Iranian Americans interested in foreign policy and international affairs. From his experience he shared, “the program provided me valuable opportunity to interact closely with young Iranian Americans considering next stages in their career. I found these interactions to be an occasion to share experiences and ideas, but also to create bridges to the next generation–at once doing community-building and ensuring its success.” Dr. Firouz Naderi, Dr. Hamid Biglari, Ms. Nazie Eftekhari, Mrs. Forough Hosseini, and Mr. Karim Sadjadpour are group of dedicated all-volunteer PAAIA Mentors.

Click here to view full article.

PAAIA Congratulates Nader Baroukh on his Successful Reelection to the Falls Church City Council 

Nader.BaroukhMay 7, 2012, Washington DC – Incumbent Mayor Nader Baroukh was re-elected in last Tuesday’s election to serve a second term on the City Council of Falls Church, Virginia.
First elected to the City Council in 2008, Baroukh has served as the Mayor of Falls Church since 2010. The City of Falls Church is governed by a seven member city council, each elected at large for four year, staggered terms.  The Mayor is elected by the vote of the members of the council. 
Baroukh was re-elected with the second largest vote margin following a competitive race that featured a crowded field of seven candidates. The three highest vote-getters in this year’s election were elected to serve in the next City Council of Fall Church.  

Baroukh, who speaks Farsi fluently, immigrated to the United States from Iran as a child with his family and grew up in Los Angeles, California.  
Click here to view full article.

Amir Bagherpour joins PAAIA as Director of Research & Analysis

Picture3May 7, 2012, Washington DC – PAAIA is pleased to announce that Amir Bagherpour has joined PAAIA as its Director of Research and Analysis, a key function supporting the activities of the Public Policy Center. In addition to his work at PAAIA, Dr. Bagherpour consults the Department of Defense and other government agencies on predicting conflicts and their outcomes. He is a former Senior Analyst at the Iran Research Desk at Voice of America. Dr. Bagherpour is also presently completing his book titled, The Coming Storm: The Evolution of Instability in Middle East. Prior to his civilian career, Dr. Bagherpour served in the U.S. Army as an Armor Officer. He is the first Iranian born graduate of West Point.  Dr. Bagherpour holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Claremont Graduate University and an M.B.A. from the University of California Irvine.


PAAIA Public Policy Center

The Center Holds Its Inaugural Panel Presentation

May 5, 2012 – Washington DC – On May 3, 2012, PAAIA held its inaugural Public Policy Panel Presentation, titled  Assessing US Options On Iran. Panelists, Ken Katzman, Alireza Nader, and Alex Vatanka joined moderator, Amir Bagherpour, to have a candid discussion about the various options open to the US in dealing with Iran.

 A service provided by the PAAIA Public Policy Center, the purpose of these on-going panel discussions is  to educate and inform policy and lawmakers as well as the general public on the various issues impacting the Iranian American community in an accurate and balanced manner. These panel presentations also strive to educate the Iranian American community about policy and legislative issues under consideration and how they can have an impactful voice in these policy decisions.

Click here to view the full article. and a video of the panel presentation.

Public Policy Center

 2008 National Survey

2009 National Survey

2011 National Survey

2012 National Survey on Military Action

 2009 Report on Iran Sanctions Legislation

 Public Policy Center

There are many ways to take action and help promote and advance the interests of the Iranian American community on issues that impact us.  

 Click here to find out how.

Public Policy Center

For access to aggregated information and news feeds on Iran, the United States, and the world, Iranian news outlets, and PAAIA’s previous newsletters, click here.


       Public Affairs Alliance of
          Iranian Americans

          1614 20th Street NW
          Washington DC 20009
            (202) 828-8370


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