PAAIA urges congress to implement internet freedom provisions in NDAA

PAAIA Urges Congress to Implement Internet Freedom Provisions in National Defense Authorization Act 

Washington, D.C. – The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans, alongside a coalition of organizations advocating for internet freedom and human rights in Iran, sent a letter to members of Congress, urging the implementation of Section 5124 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2025. 

This critical provision, signed into law in December 2024, establishes a strategy and grant program to promote open internet access in Iran, a necessary step in supporting the Iranian people’s democratic aspirations and countering digital repression by the Iranian government. 

Ensuring Access to Open Internet in Iran 

Section 5124 of the NDAA authorizes funding for the Open Technology Fund (OTF) to support Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and other circumvention tools, ensuring Iranian citizens can bypass government censorship and access information freely

PAAIA and its coalition partners urge Congress to fully appropriate the authorized funds to meet the growing demand for secure and unrestricted internet access in Iran. 

Additionally, the letter calls for close collaboration with the Trump Administration to ensure the effective implementation of these provisions, including: 

  • Developing a comprehensive strategy to improve access to information for Iranian civil society. 
  • Evaluating VPN accessibility and addressing internet blackouts. 
  • Countering digital repression and censorship imposed by the Iranian government. 

Bipartisan Support for Internet Freedom 

The inclusion of Section 5124 in the NDAA reflects the bipartisan commitment of Congress to support internet freedom in Iran. This provision builds on previous legislative efforts, including the Iran Internet Freedom Act (S.5076) and the Internet Reach and Access Now (IRAN) Act (H.R.9299), both of which highlight the importance of unrestricted digital access for political organizing, free expression, and global connectivity

The Urgent Need for Action 

Today, Iran remains one of the most restrictive countries for internet freedom, according to the Freedom House Index. The Iranian government continues to enforce censorship, shut down the internet, and use digital surveillance to target activists. Providing access to secure VPNs and circumvention technologies is essential to empower Iranian civil society and uphold fundamental rights. 

The coalition letter has received backing from a diverse array of organizations, including Center for Human Rights in Iran, FDD Action, Access Now, and the National Union for Democracy in Iran (NUFDI). Notably, Lantern and Psiphon, the two largest VPN service providers for Iranian civil society, have also signed on, reinforcing the practical importance of secure online access for activists and everyday citizens in Iran. 

These organizations emphasize that ensuring the timely implementation of Section 5124 is a critical step toward supporting the Iranian people’s pursuit of human rights and democracy. By advancing secure and unrestricted internet access, Congress can reaffirm its bipartisan commitment to digital freedom and help empower Iranian civil society in an increasingly interconnected world. 

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