
Have You Registered to Vote Yet?


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There are 70 days left to the U.S. Presidential Elections
Have you registered to vote yet?


The result of this year’s U.S. presidential election will go to the heart of how the United States defines itself as a nation and will have special significance for Iranian Americans and other immigrant groups. It behooves every American of Iranian descent to take the time to register to vote, understand the issues, and report to their polling place on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, Election Day, to vote.  PAAIA’s one-stop Election 2012 Guide provides you with all the tools and information you need to be an active participant in this important civic process.
R . I . D . E .
Register to Vote – Become Informed
Make a DecisionElect your President

Register to Vote
For most states, the deadline for voter registration is sometime in early to mid-October 2012. Click here to use PAAIA’s Election Guide to register to vote.  Registration deadlines and eligibility requirements are available by clicking on the appropriate state.  If you need more help voting, visit CanIVote.org to figure out how and where to go to vote.

Become Informed
Learn as much as you can about each candidate and their views on various political, social, and economical issues.  Click
here to learn about President Obama’s and former governor Romney’s positions on major issues affecting Iranian Americans. In addition, you can learn more about the candidates’ positions on the economy, healthcare, and other important issues.

Make a Decision
election news and what is happening on the campaign trail to better understand how the candidates address issues of importance to you. Take a look at the history of presidential elections to better understand how your vote can make a difference in the final results. Decide what is most important to you and what candidate best represents your thoughts.

Elect Your President
On election date, report to your polling location with all needed documents and vote.  You can follow the path to the presidency throughout the day by clicking here.

Coming Soon: Congressional Scorecard for the 112th Congress 
Find out how your members of Congress voted on issues of importance to the Iranian American community before heading to the polls.  PAAIA’s biannual Congressional Scorecards focus on bills and congressional actions, which bear on three areas: civil liberties, immigration, and U.S. policy towards Iran. 

Have You Registered to Vote Yet?


Public Affairs Alliance of
Iranian Americans
1614 20th Street NW
Washington DC 20009


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