
Ferrari Legal, P.C. Releases Iranian Transaction Regulations Practice Guide

By Erich C. Ferrari, Esq.

February 10, 2011, Washington, D.C.–Iran sanctions expert, Erich C. Ferrari, Esq. and Ferrari Legal, P.C. announced the release of the first legal practice guide devoted to the topic of U.S. trade sanctions against Iran: The Iranian Transactions Regulations Practice Guide. This legal manual addresses numerous topics which may arise when transacting with Iran.

The Iranian Transactions Regulations Practice Guide is the first ever legal manual wholly devoted to a specific U.S. economic sanctions program. It is the definitive reference source for attorneys, compliance officers, business people, and anyone else seeking to transact with Iran or in relation to Iran. U.S. trade sanctions against Iran are becoming increasingly complicated and restrictive. The Iranian Transactions Regulations Practice Guide serves as a guide to those attempting to navigate the complex regulatory scheme that makes up the Iranian Transactions Regulations.

The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) initiated over 1,000 investigations into Iran sanctions violations in 2009. With more stringent enhancements to U.S. sanctions against Iran being promulgated in 2010, OFAC investigations related to the enforcement of Iran sanctions are only expected to increase in the coming years. The Iranian Transactions Regulations Practice Guide is the definitive guide for parties transacting with Iran to follow when seeking to avoid violations of U.S. law resulting from those transactions.

The Iranian Transactions Regulations Practice Guide is currently available by hard copy and Ebook on Ferrari Legal, P.C.’s website (The hard copy retails for $250.00 while the Ebook retails for $200.00).

For more information about The Iranian Transactions Regulations Practice Guide, please visit www.ferrari-legal.com/itrbook or contact Ferrari Legal, P.C. at 202-280-6370.


Erich Ferrari is a member of the Iranian American Bar Association-Washington, DC Chapter and a frequent contributor to PAAIA’s newsletter on Iranian Trade Regulations.  He is an internationally recognized expert on U.S. trade sanctions administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). Ferrari has assisted clients in various types of matters involving sanctions against Iran including obtaining licensing, defending against investigations, general counseling, and defending against criminal prosecutions.He has been published numerous times on OFAC related issues and has been interviewed by CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Time Magazine. He is also the author of the OFAC watchdog blog: www.sanctionlaw.com.

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