
Early Voting Has Begun

September 25, 2012, Washington, D.C.– The countdown towards November 6th commenced on Friday as early voting began in two states. Before Election Day, thirty two states and the District of Columbia will have provided “no excuse” early voting options. These include a number of states with large Iranian American populations such as California, Florida, Maryland, and Texas.

Early voting allows eligible voters the opportunity to vote before Election Day. It is not the same as absentee voting by mail. Under early voting, registered voters can cast their ballot during a specified period of time for whatever reason by visiting designated polling locations. Early voting dates and rules vary greatly in each state. A number of states provide an option for voters to cast their ballots before election day at designated locations if they can show that they are unable to vote on election day.

Click here for more information and to find out if you are eligible for early voting.

Click here to use PAAIA’s 2012 Presidential Election Guide to register to vote and learn about President Obama’s and former governor Romney’s positions on major issues affecting Iranian Americans.

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