
Dr. Milad Pooran’s Campaign for U.S. Congress Gains Momentum


March 1, 2012, Washington, D.C. – Things have been moving fast and furiously at Dr. Milad Pooran’s campaign for 6th Congressional District of Maryland.  Thanks to the help of so many supporters, Dr. Pooran has made great strides in reaching voters with his message of change and independence.

In recent exciting developments, Dr. Pooran has successfully gained the endorsements of former DNC Chair, presidential candidate and Governor of Vermont Howard Dean and Congressmen Keith Ellison (D-MN) and Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), the co-chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

“When I was running for President, I would tell people that in politics, the difference between doctors and lawyers is that doctors are fact-based – we solve problems, we don’t argue about them,” Dean, who is also a physician, explained in his endorsement statement.  “Dr. Pooran is going to go to Congress to fight for working families and solve real problems.”

Governor Dean and Congressmen Ellison and Grijalva know that this seat can only be won in November by Dr. Pooran and are prepared to do everything they can to assist his candidacy.

Lieutenant Colonel Milad Pooran, M.D. is a physician who has served his community and country as both a civilian doctor and as a member of the US Air Force Medical Corps. Dr. Pooran draws from his on-the-job training as well as his academic background to establish his well-earned credentials to become the first Iranian American elected to the U.S. Congress. 

Dr. Pooran is one of five candidates running for the Democratic nomination. His campaign has successfully turned this into a three-person race and elevated him into the top tier. His two main opponents in the Democratic primary, scheduled for April 3, 2012, are financier John Delaney and former lobbyist and State Senator Robert Garagiola.  Dr. Pooran’s message that he is the counter-narrative to careerism and money influence in politics is resonating well with voters who are frustrated by having their issues relegated to the back burner of politics in this election cycle.

The backing of Howard Dean and Congressmen Ellison and Grijalva is a major achievement for Dr. Pooran.  If successful, he will make history by becoming the first American of Iranian descent to serve in the U.S. Congress. Iranian Americans have a great opportunity to help make Dr. Pooran’s election to Congress his, and our, next big achievement.

Click here to learn more about Milad Pooran for Congress and how you can get involved.

Dr. Milad Pooran was recently endorsed and supported by the Iranian American Political Action Committee (IAPAC), the connected PAC of PAAIA. IAPAC supports and promotes the election of candidates for federal, state, and local office, regardless of party affiliation, who are attuned to the domestic needs of the of the Iranian American community. IAPAC also encourages and Iranian Americans to actively participate in the American electoral process and supports Iranian American candidates for public office.

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