
Do Iranian Americans Support or Oppose Military Action Against Iran’s Nuclear Facilities

survey of iranian americans boldComing Soon:  PAAIA’s 2012 Survey of Iranian Americans

March 6, 2012, Washington, D.C. –  The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) announced today that it has again commissioned Zogby Research Services to conduct a follow-up nationwide scientific survey of Iranian Americans on their views over military action against Iran. The purpose of the survey is to garner a better understanding of our community and having its voice heard on this very important policy matter. 

 In October of 2011, PAAIA commissioned Zogby Research Services to conduct its third national public opinion survey of Iranian Americans to gather accurate attitudinal and demographic information about the Iranian American community.  The 2011 survey explored attitudes and views of Iranian Americans on a variety of issues including U.S. –Iran relations and President Obama’s handling of relations with Iran. 

The follow-up 2012 Survey of Iranian Americans will explore attitudes and views of Iranian Americans towards a possible U.S. or Israeli military action against Iran’s nuclear sites or other facilities as well as their concerns on how such hostilities with Iran may impact their lives in America.

While PAAIA is focused on domestic issues that impact the Iranian American community, we believe that it is very important for Iranian American views on U.S.-Iran relations be heard.  As such, PAAIA will use the data gathered from this survey to educate policymakers, the media, and the public about the views of the community regarding potential military action against Iran. 

PAAIA’s surveys serve as invaluable data and are the first of their kind.  They have been presented to the United States Congress, the State Department, the media, and the general public to wide acclaim. The surveys were featured in a February 2010 State Department publication and the results were cited in an Amicus Brief filed by the Iranian American Bar Association (IABA) in the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. They were also brought to the attention of U.S. Government officials from the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) at a panel presentation in Washington, D.C.

This survey and similar initiative are not possible without the financial support of individuals like you.

Support this important initiative and your community by making a tax-deductible donation today!

Read the complete reports on the 2008, 2009, & 2011 Surveys on PAAIA’s website.

PAAIA’s surveys are conducted by Zogby Research Services, a polling firm, based on successful telephone interviews in English with representative sample of respondents. Zogby surveys employ sampling strategies in which selection probabilities are proportional to population size within area codes and exchanges. The margin of error for the results of the 2008, 2009, & 2011 surveys were +/- 5 percentage points, which is an acceptable margin of error for a survey of this type.

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