CHIP Fellow Ariana Ghafouri Reflects on Internship with Gerry Connolly's Office

CHIP Fellow Ariana Ghafouri Reflects on Internship with Rep. Gerry Connolly

Ariana Ghafouri is a junior at Brown University pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Behavioral Decision Sciences. This summer she interned with Congressman Gerry Connolly’s district office.  

Ariana Ghafouri with other Interns from Connollys office Summer 2024 CHIP

This summer, I had the incredibly rewarding opportunity to intern at Congressman Gerry Connolly’s district office. I was originally inspired to work for a congressman whose values and perspectives so closely aligned with my own. Congressman Connolly’s commitment to issues like fair policing, immigration access, and democratic governance resonated deeply with me, and I am grateful to PAAIA for giving me the opportunity to contribute to a political arena in which I was invested. The experience not only reinforced my passion for public service but also strengthened my belief in the importance of civic engagement, as I hoped would be the case when I became a CHIP Fellow.

Given my background in immigration law, over the course of my internship, I was primarily focused on immigration-related constituent casework. This meant that I spent my days sending inquiries to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the National Visa Center, and embassies around the world. I helped individuals with case processing difficulties, emergency expedite requests, and even access to resources in ICE custody. The opportunity to support individuals and families navigating difficult circumstances was not only highly rewarding, but also wildly increased my knowledge of immigration processes – a skill set that complements my ongoing work with immigration lawyers during the academic year. Unlike many other work experiences I’ve had, this internship entrusted me with the responsibility of independently managing a high volume of cases, allowing me to make a direct impact on people’s lives when it was often direly needed.

One particularly meaningful aspect of my internship was the opportunity to assist the office’s Farsi-speaking constituents. I was able to use my language skills to bridge communication gaps and provide direct assistance to constituents and staff. My fluency in Farsi meant that I was able to manage cases for several families immigrating from Iran, connecting me more deeply to my own family’s immigrant story and to the goals of the CHIP program. Uplifting Iranian American voices and stories is a key mission of the Fellowship, and I was proud to contribute to that effort in a concrete way.

Not only was the work I did rewarding, but the welcoming and collaborative office environment played a significant role in making my internship experience so positive. The staff’s camaraderie and support made it easy to stay engaged throughout my time there, and made me unafraid to ask questions. Whether it was brainstorming solutions to casework issues or learning more about the inner workings of the office, I always felt encouraged to contribute and grow. One of the highlights of my internship, for example, was the number of opportunities we were afforded to visit the Hill office. I was able to attend a hearing with the House Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation subcommittee, watch a vote on the House floor, and even take a Capitol dome tour. Standing on top of the U.S. Capitol building was a once-in-a-lifetime experience – more importantly, however, I felt it was a symbol of the invitation that I had been given to contribute to this country’s governance. PAAIA’s support in that regard has been invaluable.

This summer’s experiences were incredibly fulfilling and provided a new window into the legislative process. Witnessing the work of Congress up close reminded me of the critical role public servants play in shaping our nation’s future – but, also, that I play a similarly instrumental role as a citizen and young professional. The CHIP Fellowship allowed me to contribute to my community while also growing personally and professionally. My experience working with Congressman Connolly’s office has empowered me as an Iranian American, a constituent, and a young adult. I would recommend it to anyone.

September 6, 2024

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