
Bita Daryabari To Match Donations to Earthquake Victims


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August 22, 2012, Washington D.C. – In an act of true generosity, Bita Daryabari, Founder and CEO of Pars Equality Center announced yesterday that she will match donations made to Pars Equality Center for the victims of the recent earthquake in northwestern Iran.  “Over 50,000 people have been moved to emergency camps. In these devastating conditions, with all we have to be thankful and grateful for, it is easily incumbent upon us to come together and help,” Ms. Daryabari said.   “It is easily incumbent upon us to come together and help. The organization has selected Relief International as its chosen partner for this endeavor. “
Relief International has had a presence in Iran for a number of years and is one of the few organizations who were recently granted a license (#IA-2012-296528-1) by the Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control to provide emergency tents and supplies that would shelter survivors from night chills. Click here to make a tax deductible donation into Pars Equality Center’s larger Relief International pool set up for this purpose.  Please designate the donation for “Iran Earthquake”.
In addition, today, a coalition of Iranian American organizations, including PAAIA, sent a letter to President Obama, thanking him for issuing a general license to enable the Iranian American community to more efficiently provide assistance to the victims of the earthquake in Iran. In addition to PAAIA, the letter was signed by Child Foundation, Children of Persia, Hand Foundation, Iranian Alliances Across Borders, Iranian American Muslim Association of North America, Moms Against Poverty, National Iranian American Council, United For Iran, and West Asia Council. To add your signature to this thank you letter, click here.
PAAIA will continue to provide updates regarding relief efforts for the earthquake victims.

Bita Daryabari to match donations made to earthquake victims

Public Affairs Alliance of
Iranian Americans
1614 20th Street NW
Washington DC 20009


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