
Bijan Pakzad Passes Away

April 17, 2011, Los Angeles, CA – Bijan Pakzad (born 1944), a well known designer of menswear and fragrances, passed away on Saturday April 16th 2011 after suffering a stroke on Thursday night.

Born in Tehran, Iran, Bijan immigrated to the United States in 1973.  His exclusive boutique on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, California was established in 1976.  Throughout the course of his career, Bijan ‘s clients included  some of the world’s most powerful  men. President Barack Obama, former President George W. Bush, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Prime Minister Tony Blair, were among a few of Bijan’s clients.

“We would like to express our sincerest sympathies to the family of  Mr. Pakzad ,”  PAAIA’s Chair, Ali Mojdehi said: “Bijan regularly demonstrated his generosity towards the Iranian-American community, and PAAIA was pleased to have awarded him the Lifetime Achievement Award at its Annual Gala  on October 9, 2010. “Bijan was ahead of his time in appreciating the power of branding while displaying exceptional creativity in his craft.” added Forough Hosseini, PAAIA’s vice-chair.

Mr. Pakzad is survived by his three children, Daniela Pakzad, Alexandra Pakzad, and Nicolas Bijan Pakzad.

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