
Are You an Iranian American Woman in a Leadership Position?

If so, you may wish to respond to the following email. (NOTE: It’s our pleasure to share this email with our readers; but that is the extent of our involvement with Ms Nakhshab Jones, except to wish her great success in her research. MA)

From:Sheiveh Jones [mailto:sheiveh@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 3:37 PM
To: Mahasti Afshar
Subject: Re: dissertation research on 1.5 generation Iranian American women

Hello, my name is Sheiveh Nakhshab Jones and I am a doctoral candidate for the College of Education and Organizational Leadership at the University of La Verne. I am currently looking to interview 1.5-generation Iranian American women leaders as part of my dissertation research. The purpose of the study is to describe the personal constructs for 1.5 generation, Iranian American women in leadership positions who fit the following criteria:

  • Came to the United States during early adolescence from 1978 to 1985 as a result of the Islamic revolution
  • Is now in the age range of 31 to 43 years old
  • Holds a position of leadership/decision making in current job

The study seeks to dispel myths and stereotypes of Iranian women, while also seeking to provide information about any possible struggles 1.5 generation Iranian American women have gone through in relation to identity renegotiation while also providing information to the Iranian community who oftentimes provides support for immigrant families arriving from Iran.

The study consists of the following:
Interview #1: 15-minute phone interview to confirm you meet the criteria and answer any questions about the research.
Interview #2: 45-minute to one-hour in-person interview.
Interview #3 (if needed): 15-minute phone interview to clarify any questions/comments from Interview #2.

Throughout the process, you will have access to interview transcripts and will be able to make changes or edit any information. Any information that is obtained in connection with this study and that can be identified with you will remain confidential.

If you fit the criteria for this study and are willing to participate, please contact the researcher Sheiveh Nakhshab Jones phone number (760) 525-8806 or email at sheiveh@gmail.com.

Sheiveh Nakhshab Jones

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