
74% of the U.S. Population Participated in Census 2010

U.S. Census Bureau Report
October 25, 2010 – America participated! 74 % of households in the United States filled out and mailed back their 2010 Census questionnaire, a significant achievement in a time of declining survey participation worldwide. The results include an additional two percentage points of households that mailed back their forms after the April 27 cut-off that marked the transition to the door-to-door follow up operation. Although received too late to prevent a visit by a census taker, those late- arriving forms were still used for tabulating purposes. Both today’s final rate of 74 percent and the 72 percent achieved in April, matched the rates achieved during the 2000 Census.

 2010 Census National Mail Participation Rate: 74%
Compare rates of participation in different states and districts.

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