
Coming Soon: PAAIA’s 2014 Survey of Iranian Americans

April 25, 2014, Washington, D.C. – In striving to become an accurate source of information about the Iranian American community, the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA), through George Mason University, has once again taken the lead and conducted its sixth nationwide scientific survey of Iranian Americans. The 2014 National Public Opinion Survey of Iranian Americans, which will be released next month, is aimed at gathering accurate demographic and attitudinal information about the Iranian American community.

An integral component of better understanding our community and having its voice heard is the availability of ongoing accurate statistical data about the Iranian American community. In addition to gathering demographic data about the Iranian American community, the survey also explores attitudes and views of Iranian Americans on the issues that are most important to them, U.S.-Iran relations, President Obama’s handling of Iran’s nuclear program, and their views on the recent initial agreement between the P5+1 and Iran over its nuclear program.

PAAIA will use the data gathered from this survey to conduct briefings with the United State Congress and administration officials. PAAIA will also utilize this information in educating the public about issues relevant to the Iranian American community as well as defining public issues and PAAIA programs that address the needs of our constituency. 

PAAIA has previously conducted scientific public opinion surveys of Iranian Americans in 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, and 2013. These surveys were the first of their kind and have been presented to the United States Congress, the administration, the media, and the general public to wide acclaim.

Click here to read PAAIA’s past National Public Opinion Surveys of Iranian Americans.

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