
Iranian Americans Make Great Strides in Technology

January 9, 2013, Washington, D.C.- Several Iranian Americans have made Forbes’ “30 Under 30” list for 2012. Each year, Forbes highlights the accomplishments of 30 individuals who “represent the entrepreneurial, creative and intellectual best of their generation.”  Individuals are selected in 15 different fields, from finance to Hollywood to social entrepreneurs, by Forbes editors and reporters as well as a panel of expert judges.

This year, four Iranian Americans were recognized for having made a significant impact in the field of technology. Arash Ferdowsi, 27, was selected for Forbes’ list after co-founding Dropbox, an easy-to-use file sharing tool that has amassed 100 million users and last year landed a $4 billion valuation from venture investors.  Babak Pahlavan, 29 and CEO of Clever Sense, was selected for helping to create Arthur, an iPhone app that recommends restaurants and gets smarter the more you use it. Arthur was acquired by Google in December 2011. Darian Shirazi, 26, was selected for founding Radius Intelligence, Inc., a company dedicated to providing quality information on small businesses. Parisa Tabriz, 29, was selected for her security work at Google, where she hacks into the company’s products and then teaches developers how to secure those products.

Last year, Forbes recognized Iranian Americans Mozziyar Etemadi in the field of science and innovation as well as Mazy Kazerooni and Kayvon Olomi in the social and mobile field.

In addition to those recognized by Forbes, another Iranian American has been recognized for his great work in technology.  Dr. Gholam Peyman, MD is one of the recipients of this year’s National Medal of Technology and Innovation.  His most widely-known invention to date is LASIK eye surgery, a vision correction procedure designed to allow people to see clearly without glasses. Dr. Peyman, an ophthalmologist, holds 136 patents.

The National Medal of Technology and Innovation was created by statute in 1980 and is administered for the White House by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Patent and Trademark Office. The award recognizes those who have made lasting contributions to America’s competitiveness and quality of life and helped strengthen the nation’s technological workforce. Nominees are selected by a distinguished independent committee representing the private and public sectors.

PAAIA congratulates these individuals on their great work thus far and on representing the Iranian American community’s continued contributions to American society through dedication, passion, and hard work.

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