
Asian Law Caucus Releases Joint Report on Effects of Sanctions on Iranian American Community

November 16, 2012 Washington, DC – The Asian Law Caucus, in collaboration with PAAIA and several other Iranian American organizations, released a report titled “Unintended Victims: The Impact of the Iran Sanctions on Iranian Americans.”

The report details various ways in which the US sanctions on Iran have had unintended negative consequences for the Iranian American community. The report found that not only do US sanctions on Iran affect a wide range of routine activity that recent immigrant communities, like the Iranian American community, must often engage in to assist or support family and friends, but there are also various factors impeding activity that is clearly permissible under the sanctions.

The intent of the report is not to advocate for or against a US sanctions policy towards Iran, but rather to highlight some of the unintended effects and to provide practical recommendations that the federal government can take to ensure that Iranian Americans are not unjustly and unintentionally burdened by the sanctions. This project was a joint venture between the Asian Law Caucus, the Iranian American Bar Association, the National Iranian American Council, and the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans. It was written by Chrstina Sinha and Nasrina Bargzie of the Asian Law Caucus, with editorial assistance provided by the partner organizations.

The report complements PAAIA’s 2012 Iran Sanctions Report released earlier, which details past and current sanctions on Iran and the impact of those sanctions on both Iran and the Iranian American community. Both are good resources for Iranian Americans to obtain a full understanding of US sanctions on Iran, how they will be affected, and what their full rights are.

Click here to learn more about the findings of the Asian Law Caucus’s 2012 Iran Sanctions Report.

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